64ch AMT-VME module

Last modified Apr. 27, 2009

This is a VME module using the AMT-2(/3) chips.
This module has been developed as a successor of the TMC-VME module.



Sample Programs;


We tried to extend maximum time range by inserting a separator within hit data ( so called continuous mode), but we found some unavoidable dead period where hit is not measured. This issue is related to the basic architecture of the AMT chip, so it is not easy to remove the dead period without major modification. Therfore the continuous mode is not supported officialy, although some of above document says about the continuous mode. (Of course, there is no problem in normal and trigger mode measurement.)

AMT-3 is a minor bug fix version of AMT-2, and there is no difference when it is used in this module.



For technical detail, please contact to Yasuo Arai (KEK).

For purchaseing , please contact to Yoshito Kurosaka , AMSC Co. Ltd. Tel 81-422-54-6511, Fax 81-422-54-2901.

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