Solenoid Figures

Source files and Figures for ATLAS Solenoid TDR

updated on 2007.4.14

List of FrameMaker-5 source prodram
Chapter #pagessource filesize
front coveri-ii TDR-F.doc
ATLAS collaborationiii-vi TDR-Inst.doc
Table of Contentvii-viii TDR-TOC
Chapter 11-3 TDR-1.doc
Chapter 24-8
Chapter 39-34 TDR-3.doc
Chapter 435-45 TDR-4.doc
Chapter 546-47 TDR-5.doc
Chapter 648
Chapter 749-50
Chapter 851-58 TDR-8.doc
Chapter 959-78 TDR-9.doc
Chapter 1079-80
List of Figures81-84 TDR-LOF
List of Tables85 TDR-LOT

List of Figures
fig.#pageFigure captionpdfjpg
Front Cover
p. iWhole view of solenoid fig_cover.epsi fig_cover.psMakida?
Chapter 2
Fig. 2-1p. 4Magnetic components of ......... yoke.pdf yoke.jpg
Fig. 2-2p. 5The magnetic flux line......... flux.pdf flux.jpg
Fig. 2-3p. 5Contour plot of the total......... Bsum.pdf Bsum.jpg
Fig. 2-4p. 6Bz contour:......... Bz.pdf Bz.jpg
Fig. 2-5p. 6Br contour:......... Br.pdf Br.jpg
Fig. 2-6p. 6Bz as a function of z. bz-zdep.pdf bz-zdep.jpg
Fig. 2-7p. 6Bz as a function of r. bz-rdep.pdf bz-rdep.jpg
Fig. 2-8p. 6Br as a function of z br-zdep.pdf br-zdep.jpg
Fig. 2-9p. 6Br as a function of r. br-rdep.pdf br-rdep.jpg
Fig. 2-10p. 7Comparison of the .................. field-int-i1.pdf field-int-i1.jpg
Fig. 2-11p. 7Comparison of the ......... field-int-i2.pdf field-int-i2.jpg
Fig. 2-12p. 7Capability of momentum measu......... field-int-ratio.pdf field-int-ratio.jpg
Fig. 2-13p. 8Axial and radial decentering ......... dec-force.pdf dec-force.jpg
Chapter 3
Fig. 3-1p. 10Enthalpy of aluminium as ......... fig3-2.epsi enthalpy.psMakida
Fig. 3-2p. 11Plot of the stored energy ......... em-ratio.eps enthalpy.psMakida
Fig. 3-3p. 13Cross section in the rz plane......... fig3-4.epsi
Fig. 3-4p. 14Cross-section of the coil......... rz-cross.eps
Fig. 3-5p. 15Cross-section of the ......... rphi-cross.eps
Fig. 3-6p. 17Coil cross-section. coil-Xsection.eps
Fig. 3-7p. 18Stress in the support cyl......... stress.eps
Fig. 3-8p. 19Shear stress on the glue ......... shear2.eps
Fig. 3-9p. 20Stress-strain curve of pure......... stress-strain-1.pict
Fig. 3-10p. 20Stress-strain curve of ......... ss-cruve.eps
Fig. 3-11p. 20Coil deformation due to ......... deformation.epsi
Fig. 3-12p. 21Axial pure-Al strip ......... alstrip.pict
Fig. 3-13p. 21Thermal conductivity ......... thermal-cond.pict
Fig. 3-14p. 22Quench simulation ......... fig3-14.epsi
Fig. 3-15p. 23Design of aluminium ......... conductor.eps conductor.psKondoMiniCad 6
Fig. 3-16p. 24Short-sample character......... IB.eps
Fig. 3-17p. 26Bonding structure at ......... epoxy.eps
Fig. 3-18p. 26Cross section of the insul......... gug-ug.eps
Fig. 3-19p. 27A schematic view of the ......... triangle-3D.eps
Fig. 3-20p. 27Design of the triangle support. drawing-triangle.epsi
Fig. 3-21p. 27FEA analysis of the coil cylinder......... fig_all_load.epsi
Fig. 3-22p. 28Load distribution in each triangle support-load.eps
Fig. 3-23p. 28(a) Displacement (left) and stress fig_deform.epsi
Fig. 3-24p. 29A sketch of the LHe cooling pipe........ fig_support_ana.epsi
Fig. 3-25p. 30Cross section of the end cryostat cooling.eps
Fig. 3-26p. 31Cross section of the coil service fig3-31.epsi
Fig. 3-27p. 31Supporting strut which is attached fig3-32n.epsi
Fig. 3-28p. 32Rf view of the end-part in the fig3-33.epsi
Fig. 3-29p. 32Chimney connection. fig3-38.epsi
Fig. 3-30p. 33Chimney route through the fig3-35n.epsi
Fig. 3-31p. 34Thermal contraction of chimney. chimney-motion.eps
Fig. 3-32p. 34Pressure drop in the transfer He-pressure.eps
Chapter 4
Fig. 4-1p. 36ATLAS refrigeration and distri cryo-system.eps
Fig. 4-2p. 37Flow schematic of the cryogenic doi-flow.eps
Fig. 4-3p. 38Parameters and schematic picture dewar.pict
Fig. 4-4p. 38T(Temperature)-S(Entropy) TS-diagram.eps
Fig. 4-5p. 40Flow diagrams during (a) pre-cooling doi-3-mode.eps
Table 4-4p. 41Operational modes fot the ATLAS valve.eps
Fig. 4-6p. 42Cooling path model. cooling-path-model.eps
Fig. 4-7p. 43Pressure profile during cool down. p-all.eps
Fig. 4-8p. 44Calculated results of two-phase p-x-m.eps
Fig. 4-9p. 45Thermosyphon model. cooling-path-model-2.eps
Fig. 4-10p. 45Solenoid cooling pipe model for siphon-cooling-pipe.eps
Chapter 5
Fig. 5-1p. 46 Diagram of the electrical system power-circuit.eps
Chapter 7
Fig. 7-1p. 50Electrical and thermal ......... he-stop.eps
Chapter 8
Fig. 8-1p. 51Major schedule of construction, ..... schedule.eps
Fig. 8-2p. 53Flow diagram of the Solenoid ......... fabrication-flow.eps
Fig. 8-3p. 55Work of connections of the ......... fig8-5-1.epsi
Fig. 8-4p. 55Sketch of the surface test setup. fig_grand_test.epsi
Fig. 8-5p. 56A sketch how to install the ......... install.eps
Fig. 8-6p. 57R-phi cross section of the ......... AT720013PL.EPS
Fig. 8-7p. 57Cryogenic elements in the ......... AT720052PL.EPS
Fig. 8-8p. 58Utility area for the magnet ......... . usa-15.eps
Fig. 8-9p. 58 A view of the power supply ......... power-supply.eps
Chapter 9
Fig. 9-1p. 60Dependence of RRR on the ......... ppm.eps
Fig. 9-2p. 60Dependence of yield strength......... cold-work.eps
Fig. 9-3p. 60 RRR as a function of yield ......... ys-rrr-znsi.eps
Fig. 9-4p. 61Cross section of the SDC ......... conductor.pict
Fig. 9-5p. 61Mechanical characteristics ......... ys-9-5.eps
Fig. 9-6p. 61Expected yield strength at ......... zn-x.eps
Fig. 9-7p. 63Picture of the coil and electrical......... photo_SDC_coil_cross.pict
Fig. 9-8p. 63Shear strength test set up .... shear-test-setup.eps
Fig. 9-9p. 63Shear strength of GFRP .... sdc-shear.eps
Fig. 9-10p. 63Shear strength of GUG .... atlas-shear.eps
Fig. 9-11p. 63Tensile strength measur.... gug-test-ral.eps
Fig. 9-12p. 64Shear strength of GUG bonding.... atlas-winding-shear.eps
Fig. 9-13p. 64Picture of the sample for .... triangle_sample.pict
Fig. 9-14p. 64Sketch of the machine for.... triangle-setup.eps
Fig. 9-15p. 64Test result of the support...... support_test.epsi
Fig. 9-16p. 66Isometric view of the proto..... 3D.pict
Fig. 9-17p. 66Cross section of the axial ..... fig9_17.pict
Fig. 9-18p. 66Machine for internal winding. wind-machine-1.pict
Fig.9-19Lp. 67Photographs of the coil ..... winding_top.pict
Fig.9-19Rp. 67Photographs of the coil ..... winding_guide.pict
Fig. 9-20p. 68The SDC prototype coill ..... SDC_coil.pict
Fig. 9-21p. 68The isogrid outer vacuum ..... isogrid.pict
Fig. 9-22p. 69The SDC prototype solenoid ..... solenoid.pict
Fig. 9-23p. 69Set-up of the prototype ..... fig9-22(a).eps
Fig. 9-24p. 69The cool-down curve of the test. cooldown.epsi
Fig. 9-25p. 70Pressure drop in the single..... fig9-22(b).eps
Fig. 9-26p. 70Quality factor along the ..... fig9-23.eps
Fig. 9-27p. 71Summary of the exciation test. sdc-excitation.eps
Fig. 9-28p. 71Operating load line of the SDC ..... sdc-ib.eps
Fig. 9-29p. 72Mechanical stress/strain ..... sdc-s-i2.eps
Fig. 9-30p. 72Stress balance in supercond..... sdc-ss.eps
Fig. 9-31p. 72Measurement of temperature..... sdc-he-stop.eps
Fig. 9-32p. 72Fast ramping effect on the ..... ramp.eps
Fig. 9-33p. 73Quench energy measurement ..... mqe.eps
Fig. 9-34p. 74Time profile of the coil ..... q-11600.eps
Fig. 9-35p. 74 Current dependence of coil ..... quench-tmax.eps
Fig. 9-36p. 75Distribution of the temperature..... sdc-t-dist.eps
Fig. 9-37p. 75Current discharge w/o quench ..... slow-discharge.eps
Fig. 9-38p. 76Coil temperatures during the ..... warm-up.eps
Fig. 9-39p. 76Comparison of ramp rate ..... ramp-compare.eps

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