以下は2002年4月23日のアトラスRRB会合の結果を、アトラス実験グループのスポークスパーソンのPeter Jenni氏がアトラス参加研究機関の代表者宛に2002年4月30日に電子メールで配布した資料の和訳と原文。                 (文責:近藤敬比古)




















アトラス実験の大変重要な前進は、運転維持覚書(M&O MoU)の承認がなされたことである。運転維持覚書の条文は年5月10日以後に財政機関に送付されます。この日は添付資料の最終修正の閉めきりです(M. Nordbergに送ること)。しかしながら2002年の科学著者名リストは既に固定されており(2002年4月2日現在)、2002年10月のRRB前に2003年の運転維持のカテゴリーAの予算要求のために改新される。













http://cern.ch/jenni/CERN-RRB-2002-062.pdfに載っているが、そこには2001年10月のRRBで発表した総合計98MCHFに対して、アトラス実験に請求されるコストは改訂され削減されることが説明されている。その結果である87.3 MCHFの補助コストから19.3 MCHFは、2002-2005年の間の運転維持コストとして、別途、運転維持覚書を通して扱われることが同意された。したがって、検討するべき完成に必要な固有のコスト(建設完成とC&Iコスト)は、68 MCHFである。


議論ではRRBは完成コストの根拠と必要性についての質問はなかったが、どれだけ新しい財源がありうるかという問題が残った。RRBの委員長のR. Cashmore氏は、示唆を得ている財源機関からの期待される財源の見積り額を始めて提示した。そして、各財源機関は完成のための新たな財源の存在の可能性についてコメントを求められた。この一巡で、全ての出席した財源機関の代表は、アトラスのプロジェクトを支持し完成コストの夫々の負担に向けて最善の貢献をする意思があるとのポジティブな声明を行った。幾つかの財源機関は、負担の全額が認められると期待していると表明したが、一方幾つかの財源機関に関し手は、全額負担より少ないか時間的な遅れがありうる。この段階で、R. Cashmoreによって示された大変予備的なリストによれば、68 MCHFのうち40 MCHFを越える程度を示しているが、幾つかの大きな財源機関はまだいかなる声明も出すに至っていない。











敬具  ピーター・イエニ                 (和訳:近藤敬比古)




Dear Colleagues,


The 14th meeting of the ATLAS RRB took place on Tuesday 23rd April.  On

Monday it was preceded by a general RRB session, and importantly by a

well-attended two-hour visit to the ATLAS cavern and various assembly

and QC places.  On Tuesday there was also a common session of the first

Computing RRB for the LHC Computing Grid Project (LCG), which was

introduced as being 'exploratory' by its Chair H F Hoffmann.  In the

following summary only the points of the ATLAS RRB will be addressed,

which, to say it straight away, showed a constructive and encouraging

attitude of all Funding Agencies, even though ATLAS will have to face

funding difficulties over the coming years.


1. Construction status reports


The progress reports from ATLAS, as well as the report from the LHCC,

did not trigger any major discussion, and I have the (maybe biased)

impression that they were generally well received.  Surely the visits on

the day before helped a lot.


The two ATLAS presentations are available at:




2. Baseline construction budget matters


The presentation and discussion of the baseline construction budget

matters (not including completion costs and C&I) went very smoothly.

The 2001 budget report was approved, the small updates for 2002 and the

2003 estimates were taken note of.  There were no decisions for in-kind

contributions at this meeting, and the RRB took note of the long list of

possible future in-kind contributions expected for the October RRB (see

CERN-RRB-2002-020 or the last slide of the second talk mentioned



3. M&O MoU and budgets


A very major step forward for the ATLAS experiment is the approval of

the M&O Memorandum of Understanding (M&O MoU).  The text of the M&O MoU

will be sent out to the Funding Agencies (FAs) for signature after 10th

May 2002.  This is the deadline for final corrections to some of the

Appendices (to be sent to M Nordberg).  The scientific author list for

2002 is however closed (date 2nd April 2002), and will be updated again

before the October 2002 RRB, for the 2003 M&O category A budget



The M&O RRB Scrutiny Group recommended the 2002 and 2003 requests both

for categories A and B as 'sound and ready for endorsement'.  There was

some discussion about the category C, which were noted by the Scrutiny

Group as incomplete.  But the RRB was told that this does not mean that

additional costs will have to be borne by ATLAS.


The M&O budget request for 2002, for both categories A and B, was

approved, and the estimate for 2003 was taken note of (the final request

will be presented at the October RRB). There was a request by at least

one FA that they would wish in the future that the ATLAS management

discusses and agrees on the category B requests with the agencies before

coming to the RRB.


4. Completion costs and C&I


Naturally these topics were generating most of the discussions at this

RRB, in a constructive way, thanks to the fact that most of the

delegates were well prepared.  The ground work done by the National

Contact Physicists with their own, and even with other, FAs were

particularly beneficial for the ATLAS Collaboration.


The session started off with a report on our C&I requests from a joint

review group with members from the RRB Scrutiny Group and LHCC CORE.

The review recognized that part of the ATLAS C&I A and B costs are due

to the fact that we are assembling and commissioning the detector at

many places at CERN, decentralized from the surface hall which was made

as small as possible to save civil engineering costs.  The report

concluded that the C&I 'spending profile, cost justification and cost

level remaining after scrutiny are reasonable'.


ATLAS presented then its updated completion and pre-operation costs for

the initial staged detector, and its strategy and scenarios for further

deferrals.  The presentation, available at


explained first the revisions and reduction of costs charged to the

Collaboration with respect to the overall total of 98 MCHF announced at

the October 2001 RRB.  A total supplementary cost of 87.3 MCHF results,

from which the M&O costs, integrated from 2002-2005, of 19.3 MCHF

have been agreed upon separately through the M&O MoU.  The proper cost

to completion (construction completion and C&I) to be considered is

therefore 68 MCHF.


In the discussion the RRB did not put into question the justification

and need for this cost to completion sum, and the problem remains now

how much of these new resources can be found.  The RRB Chair R Cashmore

showed a first estimate of expected resources from those FAs for which

an indication is available.  In turn, each FA was asked to comment on

the availability of fresh money for the cost to completion.  During this

round all present FA delegates made supporting and positive statements

about the ATLAS project, with their best intention to contribute towards

their share of the completion costs.  Some said that they expect their

full share can be granted, while for others this will be less and/or on

a late time scale.  At this stage the very preliminary list shown by R

Cashmore showed some 40 MCHF out of the 68 MCHF, but with some large FAs

not yet able to make any statement.


The RRB charged the ATLAS management to negotiate with the FAs the

availability and profile of additional funds, separating firm and less

firm promises.  The deadline for this is end of June 2002.  After that,

ATLAS has to present a plan to complete construction within available

funds, along the deferral strategy presented, and with a defined upgrade

path.  This plan will also have to show possible cash flow problems, for

which CERN is willing to enter into negotiations if they are backed-up

by firm pledges.  The detector plan will have to be presented to the

LHCC just prior to the October 2002 RRB.


The updated budget estimates for 2002 for the construction completion

and C&I costs were then presented, as well as the anticipated budget

for 2003, the latter just for information and early warning.  The RRB

understood the urgent needs for the 2002 funds and accepted the total

envelope for 2002, but in the absence of a formal agreement on the

total cost to completion, ATLAS was formally referred to the funding

displacement procedure agreed at the October 2001 RRB (this means using

baseline construction funds against deferred items).  If, however, FAs

are already willing to contribute new money on a bilateral basis to the

cost to completion, this is also possible (and of course this is by far

the best for ATLAS).


The official summary of the RRB decisions is available on the Web at:



In conclusion, one can say that this RRB meeting has strongly

demonstrated the goodwill of all FAs to continue their excellent support

for the ATLAS project.  They recognize the needs of ATLAS for

pre-operation and completion costs, but it will not be easy for them to

find all the resources.  We will have to plan the completion of the

construction and the commissioning within hard constraints.  Intense

interactions with the FAs are needed more than ever, and all your help

to foster trust and motivation for our project is most important.


Kind regards,


Peter Jenni

