






l    LHCのスケジュール


l    運転維持覚書文書


l    運転維持のカテゴリーAのコスト




RRBの精査グループ SG は、2002年の10月に承認できるように、夏の間に2003年の予算額の検討を行う。



l    運転維持のカテゴリーBのコスト


l    運転維持のカテゴリーCのコスト


l    RRBの運転維持精査グループ




l    補足建設コスト及び C&I コスト







―――――――――――――――― 原文 ―――――――――――――――――――




Brief Summary of decisions taken at the April 2002 RRB meetings

and work to be done for the October 2002 meetings





·     LHC Schedule

- Budgets and construction/installation plans should be brought into line with the new official LHC machine schedule.


·     M&O MoU documents

- Errors in Annexes should be reported to the corresponding Resource Co-ordinator by May 10th. After correction, the documents can be circulated for signature.


·     M&O Category A costs

- Second instalments for 2002 can be invoiced; that is, the 'remaining 70%', adjusted to final scrutinised total costs, author lists as given in the MoU documents and with energy cost deductions where applicable.

- In future, collaborations are asked to show energy costs as a separate line in relevant budget tables. Likewise, costs sharing estimates will be presented with energy cost deductions applied.

- It was agreed that some harmonisation of the criteria used to create author lists is desirable, to avoid provocative discrepancies for Funding Agencies/Institutes involved in more than one experiment. In particular, LHCb should try to align itself more with ATLAS and CMS.

- The RRB Scrutiny Group SG will examine the 2003 estimates during the summer, ready for approval in October 2002.

- As detailed in the MoUs, revised author lists will be created for 2003 M&O cost sharing. As well as names, collaborations are asked to provide a table showing the 'head-count' for each FA/Institute and the total count.

- It was agreed that on-line computing M&O costs need further clarification; a group of 'experts' should provide this as soon as possible (costs for 2002/2003 are not seriously affected). In particular, a common policy on raw data storage and a common strategy for equipment replacement cycles are needed.


·     M&O Category B costs

- The costs presented have been examined by the SG; the 2002 levels and sharing were agreed for ATLAS and CMS, left entirely to the collaboration for LHCb and reported to be zero for ALICE. The SG will examine the 2003 levels ready for approval in October (ALICE predicts zero costs also for 2003).

·     M&O Category C costs

- The M&O Scrutiny Group reported that the C cost items list as it stands under-represents CERN's support to the LHC experiments, an opinion that was accepted by the RRB delegates. However, this question will only be revisited if, at some future date, the RRBs feel that safe and wholesome basic working environments for the experiments are no longer being provided.


·     RRB M&O Scrutiny Group

- It was agreed that the present membership of the Scrutiny Group will be retained for a second year. Later in the year the RRB Chairman will solicit names for 50% replacement in April 2003. These steps are as defined in the M&O MoUs.




·     C-to-C and C&I

- The total sums presented were regarded as justified and were accepted. The C&I Scrutiny Group was asked to identify and examine the C&I part of the ALICE estimates in the same way as they had done for ATLAS and CMS.

- Displacement funding procedures agreed at the October 2001 RRBs will be continued as required and reported to the October 2002 RRBs.

- The collaborations were asked to continue to search for further savings, new collaborators, etc., to cover the funding shortfalls. They should also reach an agreement with the Funding Agencies by the end of June 2002 on the likely availability of additional funds (both firm and less firm promises), the amounts and time profiles. The collaborations should then prepare Financial Plans corresponding to the overall available funding levels and profiles. These plans shall include all staging, deferrals and displacement funding needed to build well-defined 'initial' detectors for first operation according to the official LHC machine schedule.

- It is understood that after October 2002, the collaborations will build according to the funds available.