件名 : Re: SCT G4 Geometry 送信日時 : 2003年 7月 1日 火曜日 6:42 PM 差出人 : Reisaburo TANAKA 宛先 :Grant Gorfine , Andrea Dell'Acqua CC : Ryuichi Takashima , KONDO Takahiko , Youhei Morita , tomeda youji Dear Andrea and Grant, Youji TOMEDA and Taka KONDO worked on the SCT geometry. We have put the SCT geometry file on    http://atlas.kek.jp/si-soft/geometry.html then find, in middle section [Geant4 Program based on G3-Nova parameters] [SCT NOVA model tar ball] (SCT_NOVA_030629.tar.gz) and [its file list] (2003.6.30 prepared by Youji Tomeda, Okayama U.) . You can find several plots there. This code is based on Andrea's NOVA model. We added/modified several SCT components, i.e. Bracket, Cooling Pipe, Cooling Block, Dogleg, Flange, Layer Close Out, Power Tape, Thermal Shield etc.. This tar-file is FADS/Goofy native. Could you convert it into Athena and put it in the repository ? We are currently studying the "fine geometry". You can find some plots at [Barrel SCT Module] section in the same WEB page. Lastly, Ryuichi TAKASHIMA is coming to Software/SCT week in September. He shall present these results at that time. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. best regards, Reisaburo TANAKA ************************************************ Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Okayama University tel. +81-86-251-7805 FAX +81-86-251-7830 ************************************************ On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Grant Gorfine wrote: > Hi, > As was discussed with Ryuichi, Andrea and Davide during software week > we should finalize the "G3-like" G4 Geometry for the SCT as soon as > possible. From what I understand the Japan group have taken Andrea's > code and made it reasonably complete. We should get these updates into the > repository. Perhaps the best way to proceed is for you to send me your > version of the Geometry and if there are any remaining things > to be fixed I can do that and check it into CVS. > > Regards, > Grant