Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:27:00 +0900 From: Ryuichi Takashima Reply-To: To: atlas-j-si Subject: [atlas-j-silicon:00174] [Fwd: SCT_GeoModel (fwd)] アトラスシリコンの皆様 geoModelを使ったSCT測定器の記述とG4simulationへの利用の雛型的なものが できています。geoModelは測定器の記述のベ-スラインとする方向になっているものです。 転送しているのは、Grant Gorfane(SCT software coodinator)からAndrea Dellaqua (Atlas Simulation coodinator)宛てのメ-ルです。 -- 京都教育大学教育学部 高嶋隆一 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:21:23 +0100 (MET) From: Grant Gorfine To: Subject: SCT_GeoModel Hi Andrea, I just wanted to let you know that I finally checked in my SCT_GeoModel code into CVS. Its at InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_GeoModel. In case you are interested in running the GeoModel viewer or my Geo to G4 conversion code then the useful bits of code are at: ~gorfine/scratch0/cmt/Test/TestSCT_GeoModel ~gorfine/scratch0/cmt/SCTGeoToG4 ~gorfine/scratch0/cmt/GeoToG4 The TestSCT_GeoModel is the "TestRelease" and the relevant jobOption files are: SCT_GeoModelGraphics.txt (runs the GeoModel viewer) and SCT_GeoToG4Options.txt (the GeoModel to G4 conversion). I actually find visualization with G4 more useful than the GeoModel viewer at the moment but if you want to run the GeoModel viewer one needs to include Joe's AVTOOLS directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~boudreau/maxi/AVTOOLS/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH What I did find useful was ivview in ~boudreau/maxi/AVTOOLS/usr/bin which reads VRML files and is faster than vrmlview. Regards, Grant -- +-------------------------+---------------------------+ | Grant Gorfine | Tel: +31 20 592 5140 | | NIKHEF | Fax: +31 20 592 5155 | | PO Box 41882 | | | 1009 DB Amsterdam | | | The Netherlands | E-mail: | +-------------------------+---------------------------+