Sample Programmes

2011.10.25 Taka Kondo (KEK)

itemsleak currentdepletion voltage
ROOT macro plot_LC_sample.C, plot_Vd_sample_error.C
input files days_lumi_temp_Plan1.txt, leak_data_sample.txt,

How to exucute above ROOT macro programmes:
 1. make directory RootUtils in your home directory (> mkdir RootUtils) 
 2. copy AtlasStyle.C and rootlogon.C into the directory RootUtils. 
 3. copy .rootrc in your home directory.
 4. copy above macros and input files.
 5. start ROOT (> root -l or >root -b in case of no X-window)
 6. execute plot_LC_sample.C (root[0] .x plot_LC_sample.C) and so on.