#include using namespace std; //use of CLHEP, 2004.8.17 T. Kondo // #include "SystemOfUnits.h" #include "PhysicalConstants.h" int main() { // using "SystemOfUnits.h" cout << "-----------This program is to understand" << " CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h-------" << endl; cout << "millimeter = " << millimeter << endl; cout << "centimeter = " << centimeter << endl; cout << "centimeter3 = " << centimeter3 << endl; cout << "cm3 = " << cm3 << endl; cout << "kilogram = " << kilogram << endl; cout << "kg = " << kg << endl; cout << "g = " << g << endl; double aluminum_density = 2.7 * g/cm3; cout << "aluminum_density = " << aluminum_density << endl; cout << "aluminum_density = " << aluminum_density/(g/cm3) << " g/cm3 " << endl; // using "PhysicalConstants.h" cout << "-----------This program is to understand" << " CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h------" << endl; cout << "pi = " << pi << endl; cout << "c_light = " << c_light << endl; cout << "c_light = " << c_light /(m/s) << " m/s" << endl; cout << "h_Planck = " << h_Planck << endl; cout << "h_Planck = " << h_Planck/(joule*s) <<"Joule*s"<< endl; cout << "electron_charge = " << electron_charge << endl; cout << "electron_mass_c2 = " << electron_mass_c2 << endl; cout << "proton_mass_c2 = " <