Dear Alessandro, Pat and Stephen, Based on the Excel tables of v4 by Alessandro, I have tried to create drawings and a table of simulation volumes for on- barrel services. I kept the total masses exactly same as those given by Alessandro. In the process of making and placing the simulation volumes, I have encountered many crashing cases. Therefore I had to make wild approximations in shapes, sizes and places of volumes. Below is my brief explanations. Please take a look of drawings (new) in my web page of in which you can pick up new drawings (such as rphiLoer-B3 new) and a table (OnBarrelServicesVolume_v1.xls) in box of gOn Barrel Services : For simulation geometry". In these drawings and table, you see some new volumes names because I re-named them just for simplicity. We must agree on namings sometime soon. (1) Cylinder : The length (z) is now set to 153.0 cm. (2) EndFlange: Alessandro splits to two parts, but I just made it into one box for simplicity. (3) EndClamp: Its position (rrr) is moved 4 mm away from the cylinder outer radius, in order to avoid crashing with power- tapes and straight harness. (4) CoolingEnd: Alessandro tables have two separate objects: Bend Loop Sector and Inlet-Outlet Assembly, which distributed along the edge of the barrel cylinder. I try to find the spaces for them, not conflicting with module edges and EndClamps. But not easy. Also if we keep these two objects separately, we need to specify the divisions and locations in phi direction. As a conclusion of my try and errors in drawings, I like to propose to combine two objects into one volume of a cylinder each end, as drawn in rphiCoolingEnd-B3.pdf. This scheme flattens out the phi irregularity of cooling inlet-outlet, but it makes the program very simple. In addition, I had to make the length (z) of the CoolingEnd smaller and the position moved out in z because of crashing possibility with modules, which you can see from drawings of rzLeft-B3.pdf and rzRight-B3.pdf. (5) BottomBracket : no change from the current one. (6) PowerTapes: I made the thickness (r) to 0.3 mm each layer because it include optical fibers. There positions are moved up radially in order to place the StarightHarness underneath (see next). (7) StraightHarness: Again after try and errors, I like to place it underneath the power tapes as shown in the drawings. The thickess (r) is arbitrary chosen to be 1 mm. (8) TopBracket-Dogleg (Dogleg, simply): I like to accept the simpler version of Alessandro, namely combining TopBracket and Dogleg since there are very close in space, and for simplicity. I like to keep the current dimension of 30mm (phi) x 36mm(z) with no strong reasons to change. I hope these explanations as well as the drawings and the table are clear enough for your understanding. With these shapes, sizes and locations given here, I hope Pat can start implementing the new software version. If necessary, I can give PAT more numbers for programming necessity. I would be extremely happy to accept any of your questions, comments and suggestions. Best regards, Taka from CERN