Dear Taka, Alessandro, > Cooling Pipe > ============ > Current Alessandro > Drawing > ------- ---------- ------- > Radius/mm 2.0 2.1 > Length/mm 1571.76 1471.6 > Radial position/mm (3) 304.8 306.9 307.1/309.7 > (4) 375.7 377.9 378.0/380.6 > (5) 447.4 449.9 449.7/452.4 > (6) 518.1 520.9 520.4/523.1 > > * Current positions (estimated from entry points of > particles) are 2-3mm inside values suggested by Alessandro > and drawings. Propose to leave them there - moving likely to > cause huge problems. > > * Length will be updated to 'whatever is convenient'. I > think the radius can be increased, but am not sure it is > worth it. Mass and composition will be updated. > > - T.K.: If the radius is increased to 2.1mm, the pipe edge > becomes closer to the cooling block for the lower case. Let > not change it. As I said, in order to separate the cooling > pipe from the cooling blocks safely, I had to move the > cooling pipe about 1.5 mm farther. I got 305.8mm instead of > 304.8mm (B3 case) from my drawing of > . > Can Pat check it again though it is a tiny difference? > CPW: I've just found the file with the histograms of entry positions into the cooling pipes - and I made a mistake with the numbers (radius/diameter confusion), sorry. The radial positions are all 1mm higher than I quoted above, so B3 is indeed 305.8mm as Taka says. So that discrepancy has evaporated, good. Regards, Pat