Meeting at RAL 27-28 July 2006 Attenbded by Prof. Taka Kondo, Dr. Stephen haywood and Dr. Alessandro Tricoli ----------------------------------- Action List ---------------------------- Alessandro: - keep the hierarchical list of SCT object on the web page up to date. - provide a more accurate descriptions of volumes and positions of simplified objects. - provide dimentions, positions info on the Summary page - put Excel Sheet for B3 on the web page - extend the work to B4, B5, B6. - write Word document explaining assumptions and calculations done in the Excel Sheet. - pass the Excel Sheet and the Word Document to Dr. Pat Ward for coding in GeoModel Taka: - double check Alessandro's work on the on-barrel services - ask Dr. Pat ward about the current status of the barrel simulation in GeoModel (module and on-barrel-services) - finalise the simulation of the barrel module Stehen and Alessandro: - collect information from engineers on off-barrel services and barrel Thermal Enclusure. Taka, Alessandro and Andy Nichols: - are planning to go to CERN on 4th-6th September to see the off-barrel services and take photographs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next meeting will be arranged in Sept/Oct 2006 either at RAL or Cambridge or CERN to finilise the on-barrel work and discuss the status of the off-barrel service work.