********************************************************************************** 2006.10.9 jobは終わったがradLength.rootが出来ていない! ********************************************************************************** mailには以下のように来ている。Exited with exit code 255とは何か? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 件名 : Job 636584: Exited[Fri, 6 Oct 2006 20:55:40 +0200] 送信者 : LSF 宛先 : kondo@lxb0210.cern.ch Job was submitted from host by user . Job was executed on host(s) , in queue <1nh>, as user . was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Fri Oct 6 15:30:04 2006 Results reported at Fri Oct 6 20:55:39 2006 Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input batchtest.sh ------------------------------------------------------------ Exited with exit code 255. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 8121.89 sec. Max Memory : 210 MB Max Swap : 417 MB Max Processes : 11 Max Threads : 11 The output (if any) follows: --- According to the CERN-LSF setup the standard output of your job <*htest.sh>, id <636584>, has been moved to . ------------------------- そこで LSFJOB_636584/STDOUTを見たら @(#)CERN job starter $Date: 2006/07/16 16:48:18 $ Working directory is on /afs/cern.ch/user/k/kondo/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/batchtest.sh: line 7: 19704 Killed athena.py mySimOptions.py G4Atlas_Sim.py RadLengt hIntegrator_options.py 1>&sim.50K.log Job finished at Fri Oct 6 20:51:51 CEST 2006 on node under linux version Scientific Linux CERN Release 3.0.8 (SL) CERN statistics: This job used 1:55:18 NCU hours (6918 NCU seconds) CERN statistics: This job used 1:55:18 KSI2K hours (6918 KSI2K seconds) KSI2K = kilo-SpecInt2000 benchmark units = 1.00 NCU とある。よく分からない。sim.50K.logは大きくて17,091,222byteもある?最後は * * ***************************************************** MemorySnooper(event,VmMem,diff-previous) kBytes: 29995 385028 0 ***************************************************** End of Event nr. 29996 Time spent generating the last event was 0.02 Average time per event until now is 0.00956426+-2.67216e-05 ***************************************************** * * Memory snooper called here end of event process size at this point (VmMem): 385028 kBytes * * ***************************************************** MemorySnooper(event,VmMem,diff-previous) kBytes: 29996 385028 0 ***************************************************** End of Event nr. 29997 Time spent generating the last event was 0.01 Average time per event until now is 0.00956428+-2.67207e-05 で終わっている!!!3万近くまで行ったが。 ********************************************************************************** 2006.10.6 バッチジョブのやり方 <ーーー 内藤 ********************************************************************************** http://fphy.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp/~naitou/sct/logs/HowToRunLxbatchJob.html が原本 batchjob.sh ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #/bin/sh source ~/Material/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=12.0.2,opt cd ~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat source cmt/setup.sh cd run ##athena jobOptions_ParticleGenerator.py >& gen.50K.log athena mySimOptions.py G4Atlas_Sim.py RadLengthIntegrator_options.py >& sim.50K.log ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー をつくり、 > bsub -q 1nh test1.sh Job <626246> is submitted to queue <1nh>. > bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 626246 naito PEND 1nh lxplus008 test1.sh Oct 6 12:14 -q オプションで指定した 1nh と言うのは、およそジョブの実行にかかる時間です。 1nh では cpu を1時間使用できます。他には 8nm(8分)、 8nh(8時間)、 1nd(1日)、 1nw(1週間) があります。