その後10000eventsを作ろうとしたがquota limitになった。 [kondo@lxplus015]~% fs lq Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.kondo 200000 200612 100% 44% リスタートするためにMaterial/restart.shを作った: --------------------------------------------------------- #mkdir Material #cd Materail #mkdir -p testarea/12.0.2 #mkdir cmthome cd cmthome source /afs/cern.ch/sw/contrib/CMT/v1r18p20060606/mgr/setup.sh #vi requirements cmt config cd .. source cmthome/setup.sh -tag=12.0.2,opt cd testarea/12.0.2 echo $CMTPATH #cd ${HOME}/Material/testarea/12.0.2 #cmt co Simulation/G4Utilities/G4UserActions #cmt create CalcMat CalcMat-00-00-01 cd CalcMat/cmt #vi requirements cmt broadcast cmt config source setup.sh cmt broadcast gmake 2>&1 | tee gmake.log cd .. #mkdir run cd run ls echo "re-started !!" ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006.10.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [kondo@lxplus067]~/Material/cmthome% ls requirements [kondo@lxplus067]~/Material/cmthome% cmt config ------------------------------------------ Configuring environment for standalone package. CMT version v1r18p20060606. System is i386_linux24 ------------------------------------------ Creating setup scripts. Creating cleanup scripts. が帰ってくるはず。 > ls requirementsをつくる --------------------------------------- set CMTSITE CERN set SITEROOT /afs/cern.ch macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/dist macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/athena/testarea apply_tag setup apply_tag simpleTest use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) ---------------------------------------- > cmt config > cd .. > source cmthome/setup.sh -tag=12.0.2,opt > cd testarea/12.0.2 > echo $CMTPATH echo $CMTPATH /afs/cern.ch/user/k/kondo/athena/testarea/12.0.2:/afs/cern.ch/atlas/soflds/AtlasOffline/12.0.2 となっていればよい。 でもここまでは12.0.2の下には何も入っていない。 > cd ${HOME}/athena/testarea/12.0.2 > cmt co Simulation/G4Utilities/G4UserActions > ls -F Simulation/ というのが出来ている! > cmt create CalcMat CalcMat-00-00-01 としたら [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2% cmt create CalcMat CAlcMat-00-00-01 ------------------------------------------ Configuring environment for package CalcMat version CAlcMat-00-00-01. CMT version v1r18p20060606. Root set to /afs/cern.ch/user/k/kondo/Material/testarea/12.0.2. System is i686-slc3-gcc323-opt ------------------------------------------ Installing the package directory Version directory will not be created due to structuring style Installing the cmt directory Installing the src directory Creating setup scripts. Creating cleanup scripts. が出てきた。 [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2% ls -F CalcMat/ Simulation/ と出来ている。 > cd CalcMat > ls cmt src > cd cmt > vi requirements ---------------------------------------------------------- package CalcMat use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-01-* branches run use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-01-* External use AtlasCLHEP AtlasCLHEP-00-* External use StoreGate StoreGate-02-* Control use AnalysisTools AnalysisTools-00-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon use CBNT_Utils CBNT_Utils-00-* Reconstruction use ElectronPhotonIDEvent ElectronPhotonIDEvent-00-* PhysicsAnalysis/ElectronPhotonID use UserAnalysisEvent UserAnalysisEvent-00-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon use McParticleEvent McParticleEvent-00-* PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID use UserAnalysisUtils UserAnalysisUtils-00-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon use ParticleBuilderOptions ParticleBuilderOptions-00-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon # This dependency sets up a minimal run-time environment for PhysicsAnalysis #use AnalysisRunTime AnalysisRunTime-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon use AtlasAnalysisRunTime AtlasAnalysisRunTime-* ############################################################################### # # Below 2 lines are important to run a simulation # 2006.09.24 Daisuke Naito # ############################################################################### use AtlasSimulationRunTime AtlasSimulationRunTime-* use G4UserActions G4UserActions-00-00-14 Simulation/G4Utilities library UserAnalysis *.cxx components/*.cxx apply_tag ROOTMathLibs apply_pattern component_library apply_pattern declare_scripts files="pathena pathena_util addAANT" apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py *.C" apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py" ------------------------------------------------------------- >cmt broadcast cmt config 何もでないな。 CalcMat/cmt>ls -l total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 430 Oct 5 18:33 cleanup.csh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 420 Oct 5 18:33 cleanup.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 82 Oct 5 18:33 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 1826 Oct 5 18:39 requirements -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 539 Oct 5 18:33 setup.csh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 529 Oct 5 18:33 setup.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 17 Oct 5 18:33 version.cmt (requirementsより前に出来ていたのかな) cmt> source setup.sh cmt> gmake ------> (Makefile.header) Rebuilding constituents.make ------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding setup.make i686-slc3-gcc323-opt.make CMTCONFIG=i686-slc3-gcc323-opt setup.make ok i686-slc3-gcc323-opt.make ok ------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding library links Symlinking /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/tauola/tauola-cleo/v27feb06/in stalled/i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/lib/libtauola.so to ../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libtauo la.so Symlinking /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/tauola/tauola-cleo/v27feb06/in stalled/i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/lib/libphotos.so to ../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libphot os.so Symlinking /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/Gaudi/ c/v13r4p1/i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libGaudiSvc.so to ../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libGaud iSvc.so Symlinking /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/Gaudi/ g/v9r2p2/i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libGaudiAlgLib.so to ../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libGa udiAlgLib.so Symlinking /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/Gaudi/ /v1r0p1/i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libGaudiPILib.so to ../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/libGaud iPILib.so ------> (constituents.make) all done ------> (constituents.make) Building install_includes.make Document install_includes ------> (constituents.make) Starting install_includes No standard include file area ------> (constituents.make) install_includes done ------> (constituents.make) Building UserAnalysis.make Library UserAnalysis ------> (constituents.make) Starting UserAnalysis ------> (UserAnalysis.make) Rebuilding ../i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/UserAnalysis_depe ndencies.make You should provide a target for this file UserAnalysisLIB ------> UserAnalysis ok ------> (constituents.make) UserAnalysis done ------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding setup.make i686-slc3-gcc323-opt_CalcMat_c heck_install_scripts.make setup.make ok ------> (constituents.make) Building CalcMat_check_install_scripts.make Document CalcMat_check_install_scripts ------> (constituents.make) Starting CalcMat_check_install_scripts /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/AtlasCore/2.0.2/External/ExternalPolicy/cmt/a tlas_check_installations.sh -files= -s=../share pathena pathena_util addAANT -i nstalldir=/share/bin ------> (constituents.make) CalcMat_check_install_scripts done ------> (constituents.make) Building install_scripts.make Document install_scripts #CMT> Warning: Source file ../share/pathena not found #CMT> Warning: Source file ../share/pathena_util not found #CMT> Warning: Source file ../share/addAANT not found #CMT> Warning: Source file ../share/pathena not found #CMT> Warning: Source file ../share/pathena_util not found #CMT> Warning: Source file ../share/addAANT not found ------> (constituents.make) Starting install_scripts You should provide a target for this file ../share/pathena You should provide a target for this file ../share/pathena_util You should provide a target for this file ../share/addAANT ------> (constituents.make) install_scripts done ------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding setup.make i686-slc3-gcc323-opt_CalcMat_c heck_install_joboptions.make setup.make ok ------> (constituents.make) Building CalcMat_check_install_joboptions.make Document CalcMat_check_install_joboptions ------> (constituents.make) Starting CalcMat_check_install_joboptions /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/AtlasCore/2.0.2/External/ExternalPolicy/cmt/a tlas_check_installations.sh -files= -s=../share *.py *.C -installdir=/jobOption s/CalcMat ------> (constituents.make) CalcMat_check_install_joboptions done ------> (constituents.make) Building install_joboptions.make Document install_joboptions ------> (constituents.make) Starting install_joboptions You should provide a target for this file install_joboptionsinstall ------> (constituents.make) install_joboptions done ------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding setup.make i686-slc3-gcc323-opt_CalcMat_c heck_install_python_modules.make setup.make ok ------> (constituents.make) Building CalcMat_check_install_python_modules.make Document CalcMat_check_install_python_modules ------> (constituents.make) Starting CalcMat_check_install_python_modules /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/AtlasCore/2.0.2/External/ExternalPolicy/cmt/a tlas_check_installations.sh -files= -s=../python *.py -installdir=/python/CalcM at ------> (constituents.make) CalcMat_check_install_python_modules done ------> (constituents.make) Building install_python_modules.make Document install_python_modules ------> (constituents.make) Starting install_python_modules You should provide a target for this file install_python_modulesinstall ------> (constituents.make) install_python_modules done all ok. となってコンパイルしたみたい。何が出来たか見たら以下のようになっていた。 [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/cmt% ls -l total 752 -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 430 Oct 5 18:33 cleanup.csh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 420 Oct 5 18:33 cleanup.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 0 Oct 5 18:47 gmake.log -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 190217 Oct 5 18:54 i686-slc3-gcc323-opt_Cal cMat_check_install_joboptions.make -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 190217 Oct 5 18:54 i686-slc3-gcc323-opt_Cal cMat_check_install_python_modules.make -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 190217 Oct 5 18:54 i686-slc3-gcc323-opt_Cal cMat_check_install_scripts.make -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 190217 Oct 5 18:53 i686-slc3-gcc323-opt.mak e -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 82 Oct 5 18:33 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 1826 Oct 5 18:39 requirements -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 539 Oct 5 18:33 setup.csh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 529 Oct 5 18:33 setup.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 17 Oct 5 18:33 version.cmt [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/cmt% cd .. > ls -F としたら cmt/ i686-slc3-gcc323-opt/ src/ が出来ていた! > mkdir run > cd run > get_files PDGTABLE.MeV Finding PDGTABLE.MeV Finding PDGTABLE.MeV Finding PDGTABLE.MeV Finding PDGTABLE.MeV Copying file PDGTABLE.MeV from /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/Gaudi/ Keep existing PDGTABLE.MeV > ls PDGTABLE.MeV これはアスキ内容で 00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888 * Particle ID(s) Value (MeV) Errors (MeV) Name Charges M 22 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 gamma 0 W 22 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 gamma 0 M 24 8.042E+04 +4.0E+01 -4.0E+01 W + W 24 2.12E+03 +4.0E+01 -4.0E+01 W + M 23 9.11876E+04 +2.1E+00 -2.1E+00 Z 0 W 23 2.4952E+03 +2.3E+00 -2.3E+00 Z 0 W 11 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 e - M 11 5.10998902E-01 +2.1E-08 -2.1E-08 e M 1000039 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 ~G 0 W 1000039 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 ~G 0 M 999 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 Geantino 0 W 999 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 Geantino 0 M 998 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 Geantinc + W 998 0.E+00 +0.0E+00 -0.0E+00 Geantinc + などが単に入っているもの。M=mass, W=widthを示す。その次にmyParticleGenerator.pyを作った。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################### # # Job options file for testing ParticleGenerator. # #============================================================== theApp.setup( MONTECARLO ) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Application Configuration options #-------------------------------------------------------------- #load relevant libraries include( "PartPropSvc/PartPropSvc.py" ) theApp.Dlls += [ "ParticleGenerator" ] theApp.TopAlg = [ "ParticleGenerator" ] # The following is needed to load the Athena Random # Number Generation Service. theApp.ExtSvc += ["AtRndmGenSvc"] AtRndmGenSvc = Service( "AtRndmGenSvc" ) AtRndmGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"] # AtRndmGenSvc.ReadFromFile = TRUE #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL ) #-------------------------------------------------------------- MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 4 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Event related parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Number of events to be processed (default is 10) theApp.EvtMax = 20 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # ParticleGenerator parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------- # e- = 11, e+ = -11, mu- = 13, mu+ = -13, pi+ = 211, pi- = -211, pi0 = 111, geantino = 999 # See PDGTABLE.MeV or Rev.Part.Properties for the complete list. # The orders are in the form of an array of strings. Each string # must contain exactly one command. In most cases, if ParticleGenerator # can't figure out what a command means, it will terminate during its # initialization. Energies are in MeV, distances and time (ct) are in mm. # If there is more than one definition of 'ParticleGenerator.orders', # only the last one will be used. # For an example of how to use user-defined histograms to generate a # distribution, see jobOptions_ParticleGeneratorExampleHistogram.py. ParticleGenerator = Algorithm( "ParticleGenerator" ) # For VERBOSE output from ParticleGenerator. ParticleGenerator.OutputLevel = 3 ParticleGenerator.orders = [ "PDGcode: constant 999", "energy: constant 629000", "vertX: constant 0", "vertY: constant 0", "vertZ: constant 0", "eta: flat -2.7 2.7" "phi: flat 0.0 6.283" ] #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Pool Persistency #--------------------------------------------------------------- include( "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py" ) theApp.Dlls += [ "GeneratorObjectsAthenaPoolPoolCnv" ] PoolSvc = Service( "PoolSvc" ) Stream1 = Algorithm( "Stream1" ) Stream1.ItemList += ["2101#*", "133273#*" ] Stream1.ForceRead=TRUE Stream1.OutputFile = "ParticleGenerator.pool.root" #--------------------------------------------------------------- #============================================================== # # End of job options file # ############################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /run% athena myParticleGenerator.py >& gen1.log [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/run% ls -l total 75 -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 26 Oct 5 19:24 AtRndmGenSvc.out -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 556 Oct 5 19:24 CLIDDBout.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 7350 Oct 5 19:24 gen1.log -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 3107 Oct 5 19:23 myParticleGenerator.py -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 27244 Oct 5 19:24 ParticleGenerator.pool.root -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 33129 Oct 5 19:12 PDGTABLE.MeV -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 338 Oct 5 19:24 PoolFileCatalog.xml [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/run% vi mySimOptions.py -------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- Detector flags ------------------------------------------- from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags # - Select detectors DetFlags.ID_setOn() DetFlags.Calo_setOff() DetFlags.Muon_setOff() # DetFlags.simulate.Truth_setOn() #--- Simulation flags ----------------------------------------- from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags SimFlags.import_Flags('atlas_flags') SimFlags.SimLayout.set_Value('ATLAS-DC3-07') SimFlags.PersistencyHit.set_Value("g4hits.pool.root") SimFlags.KinematicsMode.set_Value('ReadGeneratedEvents') SimFlags.EvgenInput.set_Value("ParticleGenerator.pool.root") theApp.EvtMax = 20 #--- Output printout level ----------------------------------- #output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL) #you can override this for individual modules if necessary MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" ) MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/run% get_files G4Atlas_Sim.py Finding G4Atlas_Sim.py Finding G4Atlas_Sim.py Finding G4Atlas_Sim.py Finding G4Atlas_Sim.py Copying file G4Atlas_Sim.py from /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/AtlasSimulation/2.0.2 get_files RadLengthIntegrator_options.py [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/run% get_files RadLengthInte grator_options.py Finding RadLengthIntegrator_options.py Finding RadLengthIntegrator_options.py Finding RadLengthIntegrator_options.py Finding RadLengthIntegrator_options.py Copying file RadLengthIntegrator_options.py from /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bui lds/AtlasSimulation/2.0.2 run% vi RadLengthIntegrator_options.py *********の部分を追加したもの --------------------------------------------------------- theApp.initialize() ********* from G4AtlasApps import PyG4Atlas THistSvc = Service( "THistSvc") THistSvc.Output += ["radLen DATAFILE='radLength.root' OPT='NEW'"]; RadLengthAction= PyG4Atlas.UserAction( 'G4UserActions','RadLengthIntegrator',['BeginOfRun', 'EndOfRun', 'BeginOfEvent','EndOfEvent','Step']) AtlasG4Eng.G4Eng.menu_UserActions.add_UserAction(RadLengthAction) AtlasG4Eng.G4Eng.init_Simulation(3) ********* theApp.nextEvent( theApp.EvtMax ) ********* ------------------------------------------------------------------- > athena mySimOptions.py G4Atlas_Sim.py RadLengthIntegrator_options.py >& sim1.log ...無事に終ることを祈って下さい。しばらく走ってできた。 [kondo@lxplus015]~/Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/run% ls -l total 274 -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 26 Oct 5 19:24 AtRndmGenSvc.out -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 3292 Oct 5 19:45 CLIDDBout.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 kondo zp 3377 Oct 5 19:35 G4Atlas_Sim.py -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 81345 Oct 5 19:45 g4hits.pool.root -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 1863 Oct 5 19:45 G4InitStats.out -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 7350 Oct 5 19:24 gen1.log -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 323 Oct 5 19:43 GeoModelStatistics -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 3107 Oct 5 19:23 myParticleGenerator.py -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 868 Oct 5 19:33 mySimOptions.py -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 27244 Oct 5 19:24 ParticleGenerator.pool.r oot -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 33129 Oct 5 19:12 PDGTABLE.MeV -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 503 Oct 5 19:45 PoolFileCatalog.xml -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 338 Oct 5 19:43 PoolFileCatalog.xml.BAK -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 407 Oct 5 19:41 RadLengthIntegrator_opti ons.py -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 9445 Oct 5 19:45 radLength.root -rw-r--r-- 1 kondo zp 97851 Oct 5 19:45 sim1.log この後はrootで作ったroot fileを見ることになる > root -l radLength.root root[1] TBrowser tb; とすれば画面がでるのであとはクリックするだけ。SCTを見ればよい。 save, save asでps,gif,jpg,pdfなどに保存できる。 $ scp kondo@lxplus.cern.ch:Material/testarea/12.0.2/CalcMat/run/SCTbeampipe.pdf . で自分のwindowsに持ってくる。あとは表示するだけ。