件名: memo of Tricoli-Kondo meeting 日付: Sat, 27 May 2006 01:36:04 +0900 (JST) 送信者: kondo 宛先: A.Tricoli Cc: S.J.Haywood, kondo, tanaka Meeting memo 25 May 2006 at CERN 40-4-C24 Alessandro Tricoli (RAL), Taka Kondo (KEK) Subject: Study of SCT material budget 1. Both agreed to work together for SCT material budget. 2. Kondo explained briefly what he had done about barrel SCT so far with students of Okayama University. 3. Both agreed to set a goal to finish the 1-st stage work by the end of this summer. 4. Tricoli starts making the Master Sheet for barrel-SCT first (for end-cap SCT later) which lists up all the items mounted. The list has a column showing the work status with comments if necesssary. This master sheet lists pointers for mored detailed descriptions. 5. The parent web page of the study is Stephen's SCT Material Budget. It should have a pointer to the Master Sheets. Kondo creates a working web page for the present study. 6. Both keep collecting drawings and pictures which should be stored in computers for easy access as much as possible. 7. In the 1st week of August, a meeting at RAL will be held for progress report as well as work there. 8. Kondo contacts Pat Ward (Cambridge) and Okayama Univ. about software works related to this study. 9. Kondo starts making a "prescription note" for each item which describes the information of drwaing, measurement, materials, simplification model, etc. These prescription notes, if successful, shall be the basic elements of the material budget study. 10. In order to make a unified description of materials for ID, Tricoli starts to understand the status of endcap SCT works in consultation with Haywood and Gorfine. In addition, Tricoli starts identifying the persons in charge for pixel and getting status information of their material budget studies. (end of memo)