件名 : [atlas-j-silicon:00122] ATLAS silicon simulation 送信日時 : 2002年 10月 28日 月曜日 8:44 PM 差出人 : Reisaburo TANAKA 宛先 :atlas-j-silicon, Youhei Morita, Ikuo Ueda , SAKAMOTO Hiroshi アトラス日本シリコン関係者様、シミュレーション関係者様、 シリコン・ソフトウエアの会合を昨日行ないました。会合メモは、後ほど回ります。 SCTソフトの現状と我々の活動方針についてSCTソフト・コーディネーターの Grant Gorfine(シドニー大)に問い合わせた返事を添付します。 彼のメッセージは、以下のとうりです。 ◯ SCT物質の情報収集は、ジオメトリーがどんな形になるにせよ大切だ。 ◯ G4ジオメトリーが出来たら、G4最適化に取り組んで欲しい。 ◯ Digitizationは既に人がアサインされているが、テストビームとの比較などは やれば良い。FADS/Goofyではなく、Athenaのフレームワークでやって欲しい。 田中 礼三郎 ************************************************ Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 12:02:41 +0100 (MET) From: Grant Gorfine Cc: Dario Barberis Ryuichi Takashima Subject: Re: SCT software in Japan Hi Reisaburo Tanaka, Good to hear from you. I intended to respond to your last e-mail but that somehow slipped. I'm currently coding in the SCT geometry in GeoModel. Its basically a copy of the geometry that was used in G3 so it would be good if you could continue to try and work on a developing a more accurate description. This doesn't necessarily mean a lot more detail in the sense of volumes but it is very important to get the amount of material right. Also the materials themselves are not very well described in the G3 description of the SCT. A lot of materials are defined as some element with a modified (user-specified) radiation length. In G4, radiation lengths are calculated and so it is important to get the right mixtures. The status of the GeoModel work is that I have put in all the active stuff and still have the supports and services to put it. Once complete I will put it in the repository so you will be able to pick that up - but I can put what I have now in my public area if you want to look at it before its finished. Andrea indicated that he has nearly finished the SCT geometry in G4. I still haven't seen this but you will probably want to look at that also when he has released it. Anyways, collecting the raw information, as you are doing, is very useful at this point. As Dario has already indicated it would be good if you can look at optimization issues with the G4 geometry once that geometry is available. One thing that would be nice to study (although its not too pressing at the moment) is the effect of how much detail one needs. I think it is clear that we don't need to describe every last screw as a separate volume but it would be useful to study how much detail is necessary and what level it has any impact. As far as SCT digitization goes Awatif Belymam is now responsible for this code and is maintaining that. I think, however it doesn't hurt to have others looking at comparisons with test beam and studying possible improvements. Szymon's code runs in Athena and although nothing is certain in ATLAS software I think we should try and stick with running things in Athena where possible so I don't think modifying things to run in G4+FADS/Goofy is the way to go (if that is what you are doing). You are welcome of course to try and improve the digitization but any improvements should be fed back into the Athena version. At the moment it is probably necessary to write out hits to ASCII files for transfer between frameworks but I think this is better than incorporating the digitization in FADS/Goofy. I don't know how familiar you are already with Athena but it is useful to invest the time in learning to run things in Athena. It is already possible to run G4 from within Athena - so you could look at the approach. Regards, Grant > Dear Grant, (Cc: Dario), > > We had a meeting this morning, and have dicedied our plan in 2002. > > Short Term Plan (2002) > > 1) Geometry > > Collect all information for SCT barrel (modules, supports, services etc.) > Code it (in text) so that they can be used in MySQL or GeoModel later on. > Calculate radiation lengths and weight, visualize in G4. > What's happening on GeoModel now ? > > 2) Digitization/Hits > > In your transparency shown at SCT week in June, you wrote that someone is > needed to replace Szymon for Digitization and test beam comparisons. > Szymon did detailed study on SCT with parametres such as > bias voltage (radiation effect), electronics(signal shaping, cross-talk) > Lorentz angle (B effect), timing etc. > We got the code from Syzmon, and now trying it to implement in G4+FADS/Goofy. > If you are still missing the manpower, we are interested in such a work as > - we have silicon detector experts on SCT barrel > - we have participated beam tests at KEK(2000) and CERN(2002) > > Could you let us know if we could be involved in SCT Digitization/Hits ? > > best regards, > Reisaburo TANAKA > ************************************************ > > >