件名 : Re: 2002.9.26 のSiソフト会合メモ 送信日時 : 2002年 9月 27日 金曜日 8:28 AM 差出人 : Reisaburo TANAKA 最近のニュースです。すぐに返事がかえってきました。 田中(礼) >From Dario.Barberis@cern.ch Fri Sep 27 08:24:32 2002 Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 16:00:51 +0200 From: Dario Barberis To: Reisaburo TANAKA Cc: Grant Gorfine , Ryuichi Takashima Subject: Re: SCT software in Japan Hi Reisaburo et al., nice to hear from you after a long time... here are some comments and answers to your questions (as far as I know, of course!): > 1) Install GEANT4 and FADS/Goofy and try to play with them. > > 2) Implement SCT Geometry with GEANT4+FADS/Goofy+MySQL configuration. > Get the latest code from Andrea Dell'Acqua. > Gather information on detaild geometry design of SCT (active and passive materials) > -> Estimate the SCT material with G4. > > 3) Physics Simulation with Digitization/Hits Programs > Get programs from Szymon Gadomski and Grant Gorfine > -> Improve it for GEANT4+FADS/Goofy scheme. > Do parametre tunes, and compare with beam test data. For point 2 please get in contact with Christian Hansen. I think it would be very useful to get a complete description of the material map to be used by the reconstruction programs in the very near future. As far as I know Christian has only been working with the TRT so far. Some SCT expert should use the same infrastructure and define the volumes in an optimized, but coordinated, way. Another study that needs to be done is the G4 tracking performance (timing and precision) as function of several variables (number of volumes, complexity of detector, range cuts, algorithm for tracking in the magnetic field). This will be useful for the global optimization of the ATLAS G4 model. > a) Reconstruction > Ch. Hansen is trying to estimate the passive material in ID with Geantino (G3/G4). > Disagreement with SCT support and coolings has been observed. > (our plan 2 already done ?) Flat (1-dimensional) material map was done by Grant already some time ago. As I said above, I think Christian Hansen has not yet started on the SCT with the 3-D map as he is still having problems with the TRT. > b) Detector Description > Andrea Dell'Acqua is now prototyping the SCT GeoModel. > Detector Description Model - will Calvet's design be used ? For the Detector Element the idea is to use something similar to Calvet's design, you should look at Steve Armstrong's slides in the Detector Description section of last week's workshop. Also get in contact with Steve if you need more info or plan to contribute there. > c) GEANT4 Simulation (Andrea Dell'Acqua) > Migration to GeoModel of SCT ? > Start to thinking about pile-up and digitizaion (this we are interested). Andrea is doing the GeoModel integration (I hope) in connection with Grant. For the time being pile-up and digitization are considered external steps to G4 and will be treated in Athena, as they will have to be applicable to both G3 and G4 hits in the transition period. Cheers, Dario