件名 : Questions concerning SCT G4 Geometry 送信日時 : 2003年 7月 5日 土曜日 5:13 PM 差出人 : Reisaburo TANAKA, 宛先 :Grant Gorfine , Andrea Dell'Acqua < Hi Grant and Andrea, We have a couple of questions concerning the SCT Geometry. So far, we Japanese team (Taka KONDO and Youji TOMEDA) updated G3/NOVA and implemented it into G4 based on Andrea's program. We are discussing now the next step, and would like to know your opinions. 1) How this G4/NOVA geometry be used ? Could it be used at DC2 ? Or GeoModel should be used ? 2) What is the situation of SCT forward geometry ? Has it been updated for G4 ? Do you think that it is worth if we contribute there ? 3) We would like to do simulation with G4/NOVA inside Athena. Could you let us know how to setup to have FADS/Goofy run in Athena ? In any case, we would like to perform the study with "fine(detailed) geometry" to optimize the geometry which is sufficiently accurate for physics simulation. I will be at CERN during next week (July 7-11). May I discuss with you if you are at CERN ? best regards, Reisaburo TANAKA ************************************************ Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Okayama University Tsushima-naka 3-1-1, Okayama 700-8530, Japan ************************************************