Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 19:30:40 +0900 (JST) From: Reisaburo TANAKA Subject: ATLAS silicon simulation: Szymon's code シリコンソフト関係者さま、 以下Szymonからのメールです。彼がやったのは、 1)Stand alone G4によるHistogramming (counting material) 2)G3/G4 Digitization/Hits です。彼のMACRO+コードをFADS/Goofyで動かすようにすれば良いのだと思います。 GEANT4+FADS/Goofy+MySQL だけだと絵を描いておしまいですが、Hits/Digitizationのコードが加われば、いろいろ遊べます。 田中(礼) Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 16:16:31 +0200 From: Szymon Gadomski To: Reisaburo TANAKA Cc: Ueda I Subject: digitization and material counting Good Afternoon! The SCT_Digitization package is documented at You can find from there: - two notes documenting the package (one about the model, the other one about the code) - step by step instructions how to get the code and how to run it in athena My code for measuring X/X0 by running geantinos in G4 is not documented, but perhaps it will be useful to you anyway: /afs/ I have added a few classes with names starting with XX0. I hope you can find your way through this code. For a working G4 setup of the SCT please askGrant. He is the expert... Best regards, Szymon