double GetPotentialValue(int& ix,int& iy); double induced (int istrip, double x, double y) { // x and y are the coorlocation of charge (e or hole) // induced chardege on the strip "istrip" situated at the height y = d // the center of the strip (istrip=0) is x = 0.004 [cm] double deltax = 0.0005, deltay = 0.00025; double m_strip_pitch = 0.0080; double m_bulk_depth = 0.0285; if ( y < 0. || y > m_bulk_depth) return 0; double xc = m_strip_pitch * (istrip + 0.5); double dx = fabs( x-xc ); int ix = int( dx / deltax ); if ( ix > 80 ) return 0.; int iy = int( y / deltay ); double fx = (dx - ix*deltax) / deltax; double fy = ( y - iy*deltay) / deltay; int ix1 = ix + 1; int iy1 = iy + 1; double P = GetPotentialValue(ix, iy) *(1.-fx)*(1.-fy) + GetPotentialValue(ix1,iy) *fx*(1.-fy) + GetPotentialValue(ix,iy1) *(1.-fx)*fy + GetPotentialValue(ix1,iy1) *fx*fy ; cout <<"x,y,iy="<